Matrix Therapy Contraindications

The Regeneration through movement & rhythm of muscles with Matrix Therapy 

Matrix Therapy Contraindications

Matrix therapy treatments using muscle movement & rhythm via the Extrazell® BMS handheld medical device should not be applied

or should only be applied at the direction of a physician when the following Amber contraindications are present.

Treatment in most of these cases can be quite beneficial.

After recent surgery the direct area of the wounds must be avoided until suitably healed.

Red flag contraindications are as follows and must not be treated, Acute infections, Blood clots & bleeding and Aortic aneurysms.

Amber contraindications are as follows and can usually safely be treated with care after consulting with the patient’s medical professional (i.e. consultant, surgeon or GP), these include Stroke, Recent surgery, Pregnancy, Ligament & tendon tears, Knee & hip prosthesis, Implants (metal), Cardiac pacemakers and Herniated discs.